Daredevil Movie News and Products
Daredevil Movie News and Products
Daredevil Movie News and Products

Elektra DVD

Buy it HERE! The Elektra movie DVD is out April 5, 2005 and you'll find all the info right HERE! Click on the links below to see some deleted scenes.

You may need to get the latest versions of Quicktime, Windows Media Player or Real player to view these clips.

The Story:
Following the events of Daredevil, Elektra Natchios (Garner), sai enthusiast and assassin for hire, is revived by the Order of the Hand, a group of assassins who helped train her. Assigned by the Hand's current leader, Kirigi, to kill a man, Mark Miller, and his 13-year-old daughter, Abby, Elektra soon befriends them and decides to stand up to her ninja peers. Elektra is especially motivated to do when she discovers that Miller is an ally of her former mentor, Stick, who is the blind martial arts teacher responsible for training a certain eyesight-challenged ex-boyfriend of hers... Together, the foursome must take on Kirigi's lethal quartet (which includes Tengu and Typhoid), before Elektra ultimately takes on Kirigi himself.

Elektra DVD Deleted Scenes

Fighting Training
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Everything Required
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Elektra Style
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Elektra Gone
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Come Back
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Death From Below
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Breaking and Entering
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Becoming an Assassin
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Don't Force it
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